The list of poor decisions Dr DisRespect has made go far and beyond the mullet. Likewise, they've breached his professional character and dipped into the man behind the stream, Guy Beahm, including Dr DisRespect's marriage. The YouTube and former Twitch streamer admitted on camera to cheating on his wife, who has been referred to in his shows as Mrs. Assassin or Nurse DisRespect. That's pretty bad, but it's not the only poor decision he's ever made.
Probably his most famous blunder came at the E3 in 2019 when Dr DisRespect thought it was a good idea to stream from the bathroom during the event. Weird, but if done properly isn't really a big deal. But it wasn't done properly. Instead, Dr DisRespect neglected to get permission to film in the "facilities," nor did he get permission from the people that were caught on the video. The incident got him kicked out of the event and suspended from Twitch. Not to mention, it was a breach of California state law. DisRespect issued an apology about the situation, but not all of his fans thought it was sincere.
DisRespect has also used his platform to boost the conspiracy theory that claims COVID-19 was being caused by 5G and advocate for the early reopening amidst the pandemic. That didn't win him any favors either, and several names within the industry, including Nathan Grayson at Kotaku, called him out for being irresponsible.