Who was WWE's Ultimate Spot Monkey?

After reading discussions on who is WWE's Ultimate Mr. Money-in-the-Bank, it got me thinking, "Who is/was WWE's Ultimate Spot Monkey?" By "spot monkey", I mean this definition: Dagger Dias said: A spot monkey is different from a high flyer. Not all high flyers are spot monkeys. There are wrestlers who are able to add high

Hey guys, this is my first thread, so go easy on me okay? I've always wanted to create this thread at least ever since I joined here. Anyway, after carefully skimming through the forums, I haven't seen anyone who's created this thread within this year, so I believe this one shouldn't be a duplicate.

After reading discussions on who is WWE's Ultimate Mr. Money-in-the-Bank, it got me thinking, "Who is/was WWE's Ultimate Spot Monkey?"

By "spot monkey", I mean this definition:

Dagger Dias said:

A spot monkey is different from a high flyer. Not all high flyers are spot monkeys. There are wrestlers who are able to add high flying moves to their arsenal while still being able to use other styles or not have to rely on moves that have a large risk of injury. Spot monkeys on the other hand are different from high flyers because they rely heavily (if not exclusively) on insane spots that have a large risk of injuring them.

With that being said, the three candidates that first popped into my mind are Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison and Kofi Kingston. Their most notable spots for me are the following:

- Shelton Benjamin:
* first countering Triple H's counter of his intended Superkick by transforming it into a Dragon Whip (seriously, he could have slipped by doing that, especially with his size)
* springboarding off the top rope (who else would be able to do that with his size?!), most notably being on the receiving end of Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music
* jumping off from the ropes into a ladder (or was it from one ladder to another?) at WrestleMania 22

- John Morrison:
* being able to perform the Corkscrew Neckbreaker (one false move and his neck's the one that's going to be injured, not his opponent's!)
* being able to perform the Starship Pain (he definitely needed to focus everytime he did one in order to spin like that)
* climbing the elimination chamber and performing a crossbody onto his opponents (note the risks)
* avoiding elimination from the Royal Rumble by landing on the barricade before jumping back into the ring (like Shelton, he could have slipped on the spot, pun intended, and botched the move)

- Kofi Kingston:
* using two separate joints off a ladder and use them as stilts at a Money-in-the-Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania (okay, maybe not so much, but...)
* avoiding elimination from the Royal Rumble by landing on his hands and "walking" back into the ring (like Morrison, another Royal Rumble Moment)

Ultimately, I chose Shelton Benjamin, despite John Morrison having more notable spots than him in my thread, mainly because he could do the spots wrestlers his size couldn't do. Personally, my Ultimate Shelton Spot was his spectacular stunt at WrestleMania 22. Remember when Jerry "The King" Lawler said, "This guy's freakin' Spider-Man!"?

Now it's your turn. Who is/was WWE's Ultimate Spot Monkey? What's your Ultimate Spot Monkey's Ultimate Spot?

Feel free to correct/add more of these wrestler's spots that I forgot to mention, as well as your own Ultimate Spot Monkey/s and their spots, and comment on my first thread, but like I've said before, go easy on me okay?


