Firewall Ports Configuration Manager Console -> Client Network 135 TCP. Windows Management Instrumentation. 445 TCP. Windows File Share. 2701 TCP. Enable remote control from Configuration Manager Console. 3389 TCP. Enable Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop. ICMP Echo Request. Click to see full answer. Also, what ports does SCCM client use? Ports you can configure By default, the HTTP port that’s used for client-to-site system communication is port 80, and the default HTTPS port is 443. Ports for client-to-site system communication over HTTP or HTTPS can be changed during setup or in the site properties for your Configuration Manager site.Secondly, what is port 445 commonly used for? TCP port 445 is used for direct TCP/IP MS Networking access without the need for a NetBIOS layer. This service is only implemented in the more recent verions of Windows (e.g. Windows 2K / XP). The SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is used among other things for file sharing in Windows NT/2K/XP. Also know, what port does SCCM remote control use? Remote Tools uses the following ports: TCP port 135. TCP / UDP port 2701. TCP / UDP port 2702.What port does Microsoft Update use?Windows update uses port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS. When there is a firewall between the Windows Update agent and the Internet, the firewall might need to be configured to allow communication for the HTTP and HTTPS ports used for Windows Update.