Instantly recognizable by the distinctive stripy markings on their heads, the American Badger can be found in the northern parts of the US and are the state mammal of Wisconsin.
Strong, sturdy, and tenacious, are traits recognized in the badger as a spirit animal.
Biological Information
A member of the mustelidae family, the American badger might look cute, but it’s definitely not to be messed with. Weighing up to 16 pounds, these stripy critters have short legs and flat bodies which, combined with their large clawed feet, are perfect for digging.
The American badger is a true carnivore, living on birds, squirrels, mice, and other small animals. By contrast, it has very few predators of its own because it is not easy to catch. With loose, thick fur and a muscular neck, the badger’s anatomy buys it time in which to turn the tables on its attackers and retaliate with its claws.
Badgers are not true hibernators, but they do enter a state of torpor in winter, sleeping for several days at a time in their cozy dens underground.
You can read more about the badger on my wildlife page.
Overview of the Badger’s Meanings and Representations
Self Reliance
A Deeper Look
The badger is a symbol of persistence and shows us that, no matter how small we are, our size should not be allowed to diminish our success.
Proving that small is mighty, the badger spirit animal is more than up to the task of protecting itself and its family from attack, no matter how big or powerful the enemy. Born fighters, badgers will rarely back down, and will stand their ground even in the face of adversity.
The fact that badgers have thick fur to protect them from attack can also be interpreted as the human strength of having ‘thick skin’, meaning that those who have a badger spirit animal are adept at letting others’ opinions of them simply pass them by.
Being an earth symbol, the badger is highly grounding. When you are looking for a way to settle and put down roots, having a badger spirit animal can help you to achieve that, as long as the work side of things has been taken care of first, of course.
When a badger spirit animal appears to you, it could mean that you are having difficulty choosing or following a path. Listen to your guide and you will be able to dig deep and find the fortitude within to accept the challenges before you.
On the plus side – and there are a lot of pluses with this resilient animal – you manage to find the perfect balance between taking care of those who are important to you and looking after yourself; a balance many seem to struggle with. Loyal to a fault, you will do anything to protect your friends and family, and nothing will sway you from that path.
A leader not a follower, you earn the respect and admiration of those around you because although you have plenty of self-confidence, you are never arrogant. Never afraid to buck the trend, you follow your passions because you know how to be your true, authentic self.
For an overview on spirit animals read my article 167 ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES AND WHAT THEY MEAN TO YOU
The Badger Spirit Animal around the World
Different cultures have different beliefs when it comes to the badger spirit animal, and it’s fascinating to see the part this tenacious animal plays in their folklore.
Native American
Badger is revered among many Native American tribes. Viewed as hard-working and dedicated; The great Lakota Sioux leader Sitting Bull was named Ȟoká Psíče (Jumping Badger) at birth.
Badgers are an earth symbol and are regarded as protectors of the roots of medicinal plants because of their burrowing prowess. Like the opossum, they are considered magical creatures because of their ability to resist snake venom.
To see badger tracks, according to many Native Americans, is a sign of great luck, and the message that the badger spirit animal brings is that we should all unlock our own true potential and work hard at making it shine.
Badgers are popular Hopi Kachina’s that represent strength and healing. I recommend Southwest Indian Foundation because they serve Native American artists and fund reservation projects.

Japanese mythology takes a different view of the badger. Thought of as a shapeshifter, the badger is more mischievous than malevolent. Badger plays tricks on people, making fun of those who have been causing trouble themselves.
In fact, in Japanese mythology, the Mujina – shape-shifting fantasy creatures – are said to have badger-like features.
Celts foretell of great fortune if a badger crossed the path you had just walked and seen as bad luck on the person whose path it crossed ahead of them. Even worse, if an owl could be heard at the same time, it meant that death wasn’t far away.
More than a fortune teller, though, the badger was also revered by the Celts for its strength and bravery.
Badger clans
Several Pueblo tribes have badger as a clan animal and are considered the guardian of the south. Among the Hopi clan, they are considered powerful hunters.
Members of the Zuni badger clan are exceptional farmers with earth knowledge and the ability to heal.

Badger Dream Symbolism
A seemingly random animal to dream about, the badger really does tell a story when it appears in your sleep.
Dreaming of a badger signifies good luck, a sign that good things are coming your way after a time of significant struggle. However, if the badger in your dream is aggressive towards you, take heed; it’s a sign that you could be coming under attack from someone you would least expect it from.
This is unlikely to be a physical attack, but more a way for them to try and change who you are, or how you are doing things. Be steadfast in your belief and continue to do what you know is right for you.
Seeing a badger in your dreams could mean you need to strike out on your own. The people in your life might be holding you back, so it’s time for you to grab some of that badger independence and forge your own path, alone if you have to.
Like a badger, though, you can be stubborn, and if you see a badger’s nest while you are sleeping in yours, it could mean you need to re-evaluate that strong-willed nature, and embrace change.
Badger Careers
When it comes to careers, badger people are usually natural-born healers and protectors of medicinal plants. Badgers will make a success of any job in medicine but will be particularly adept at natural healing because of their close association with the earth.
The perfect spirit animal for entrepreneurs, the badger has no problem encroaching on someone else’s territory. It will do so with confidence, so is a great asset to anyone who wants to take on the big guns in their chosen profession.
Because of their leadership skills, badgers will often hold a position of power in an organization as they make excellent bosses, and because of their tenacity, they will always get the job done, making them quick to climb the career ladder.
Badgers are leaders but don’t “bite off more than you can chew”!
Born with supremely powerful front legs, badgers can dig their way rapidly through the earth; symbolically, this means that those with a badger spirit animal or totem would excel at any career that requires relentless digging, such as journalism and research. Like a dog with a bone, badgers will not give up until they have achieved their goal.
Badgers make excellent farmers with their connection with the soil. Their persistence leads them to be great providers. They are self-reliant and make great preppers.
With a badger animal in your life, you can truly achieve great things as long as you are doing what makes you happy and not what others tell you to do.
Coincidentally, I love the Badger brand organic products and use the big spray to repel mosquitos.
Rescue and Rehabilitation
Badgers are a species I have never worked with in wildlife rehabilitation. Badgers need very specific housing so they can learn to dig and hide from predators.
Badgers need to be raised with no human contact so that they become appropriately wary of humans.
it is illegal to have pet badgers in most states. They don’t make good pets considering their aggressive attitude! The ferret is a related domestic pet.
Take Away
In short, the badger, although often overlooked, is a powerful ally who can not only strengthen ties with friends, family, and co-workers.
Strong-minded, tenacious, determined, and charismatic, the badger will help you to discover your true path in life, and give you the courage to go against the giants to achieve what you want.
Author, Ame Vanorio, is a lifelong pagan, an environmental educator, and a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Ame writes about honoring nature, animal spirit guides, crystals, and holidays. She also does our social media pages. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

The Ancient Celtic people believed strongly that spirits and divine beings inhabited the natural world. They felt a divine connection with those beings. The Celts perceived the presence of the supernatural world interwoven with the material world.

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