2001 Royal Rumble | WrestleZone Forums

The Dudley Boyz vs Edge and Christian (C) for the Tag Team Belts Looking back on it now, I don't think this match was anything special. It was just an average match for tag team standards back then. But it was just such a shock, as it was SO much better than any tag team

Okay, I see a lot of people on these forums bitchin' all about how the current product of the WWE is nothing compared to the product we had during the attitude era. While these opinions don't really bother me like they bother some, they can get a bit annoying. True, I see what some people are saying, but I digress.
Well, something about the Royal Rumble I've always liked. Not sure why, just love the concept. Well I'm in the process of renting each year of the RR on Netflix and watching all the PPV in order. So today, I just finished the RR from 2001. Well it has been about a good month or two since I watched the last RR, and most of the time, I would pay attention to only the actual Royal Rumble match, most of the other matches I really didn't care about. But here are the matches-

The Dudley Boyz vs Edge and Christian (C) for the Tag Team Belts
Looking back on it now, I don't think this match was anything special. It was just an average match for tag team standards back then. But it was just such a shock, as it was SO much better than any tag team match that we've seen on WWE television in years. I mean, honestly, how could anyone ever think that in today's WWE, there could be a "D-VON" chant! That is how over these guys were. Makes me miss the days of a tag team division that mattered.

Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit (C) for the Intercontinental Belt in a ladder match
Maybe the best ladder match I've ever seen. While guys take new bumps and do more crazy stuff in ladder matches every time, you could really tell how innovative this was. You can call me crazy here, but something about a ladder match only having one ladder involved I like so much more. Thats a little bit too picky, I know, but I just prefer it that way. One ladder just feels right to me, more than fifteen different ones. But anyway, what can you say about these guys, both great workers, and Y2J with his mic skills are among the best in the modern times. If you have never seen this match, do yourself a favor and look it up on youtube. Amazing, simply amazing.

I'm not going to even review the Chyna vs Ivory match for the Women's Title, seeing as the match was too short. The angle looked decent, and really thinking about it , Right To Censor was an awesome stable.

Kurt Angle (C) vs Triple H for the WWF Championship
While definitely not a classic match up, I really enjoyed this one. There wasn't a face in the match, and that is something I liked seeing, something we don't see in the WWE anymore. Both guys are good workers IMO, even if you are a Trips basher, you have to admit that. Another thing I liked seeing was Triple H working on Angle's hurt knee, doing a variety of moves focusing in on hurting the knee. We don't see that much anymore, but it should come up more. I feel it makes everything more realistic. Besides the match itself, there was a fued between Trish and Steph that really helped intensify the match, and it was so different than anything we see these days. The Austin run in was a good ending to me too, just a fun match to watch!

30 Man Royal Rumble
Such a good Royal Rumble. A few huge storylines. Kane and Taker were getting back together, and people were wondering about it. The Big Show came back. The Rock said that he'd win. Austin screwing Trips earlier in the night, and Trips returning the favor. Besides just Taker, Kane totally dominated. There was a hardcore aspect to the Royal Rumble for a few minutes that we will never see in a WWE ring again. Just a different kind of match. I really didn't know who I thought would win, but I kind of figured it was either going to be Austin or The Rock. Sure enough, Austin. But didn't take away from the fact that it was a great Royal Rumble.

Things I Noticed
-It just never gets old to me hearing the old Jerry Lawler. The King was so funny back in the day. While not rooting on only heels, he was a pervert and constantly made jokes. I miss that now. Sure, I understand the product has changed, but that doesn't mean the King can't add humor. I sure as hell think he was funnier than this stupid Santino shit we have to watch every week.
-The highlight packages were so much different. But I liked them a lot more! Maybe it just happened because of the fact we've seen the same Randy Orton highlights for 5 months straight, but I really don't like seeing the fucking highlight videos anymore.
-Y2J and Rocky both had small promos in the back. These days, they don't have those promo interviews much anymore. The only person we ever see them with seems to be Orton, and he isn't exactly a person that I think should be doing that. Y2J and Rocky are both so damn cocky and can be funny that they're great on the mic and the interviews really help utilize them.
-The old title belt was damn pretty.
-The fueds back then were so much more in-depthly done.

Overall, I have to say I think I like the old product a lot better. Just more enjoyable overall for me. I don't discount what they have out right now at all. I watch it every week. I'm not gonna stop. I really can't wait for the 3 hour Raw to come on in 90 minutes! But, saying that, I really like the old WWF better. Just a more fun environment. Anyone remember this PPV or these fueds? Thoughts?

