In most Pokémon games, Pokémon Natures decide what, if any, of your Pokémon’s stats get raised and lowered. For example, the Modest Nature will raise a Pokémon’s Special Attack stat while lowering its Attack stat. A neutral Nature essentially cancels itself out, giving a boost and loss of equal value to the same stat, like how the Serious Nature adds and takes away the same amount of points from the Speed stat. So what works best for the Togepi evolutionary line in Pokemon Legends: Arceus?
Togepi and Togetic share what is, for the most part, the same stat pool, so we can target the same Nature for both of them. The big difference comes into play when Togekiss enters the equation — Togekiss’ Special Attack stat jumps from the third lowest spot to the second highest. This means that we’ll have to modify our strategy if we plan on evolving Togepi all the way to Togekiss, which is a great competitive move, since Togekiss gets such a huge increase in every stat while evolving from Togetic.
Since the Special stats are both so high, we might want to raise up Speed, Togekiss’ second lowest (but still relatively high) stat, in order to make sure our Togekiss is able to get its moves out faster. This means a great bet for Togekiss is the Timid Nature, putting Speed up to be closer to the highest spot in the stat pool and lowering the underused (for Togekiss) Attack stat.
If you don’t have a Shiny Stone, or you just don’t want to evolve your Togetic, a Bold Nature would be best in this scenario. This will raise the Pokemon’s Defense stat to be its highest stat at the cost of that still-underutilized Attack stat, giving Togepi a chance to survive a few more attacks since its HP is so low.
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Hana Kim
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