Pawn Stars Old Man Net Worth 2024

Richard Benjamin Harrison Jr., affectionately known as The Old Man on the hit reality TV series Pawn Stars, was a beloved figure in the world of reality television and the pawn industry. Before delving into the specifics of his net worth as of 2024, its important to understand who the Old Man was and the

Introduction to Pawn Stars’ Old Man

Richard Benjamin Harrison Jr., affectionately known as “The Old Man” on the hit reality TV series “Pawn Stars,” was a beloved figure in the world of reality television and the pawn industry. Before delving into the specifics of his net worth as of 2024, it’s important to understand who the Old Man was and the legacy he left behind.

Table of The Old Man’s Net Worth and Personal Details

Estimated Net Worth:$5 million
Age:Passed away at 77 (March 4, 1941 – June 25, 2018)
Born:Lexington, North Carolina, United States
Country of Origin:United States
Source of Wealth:Reality TV Star, Pawnshop Owner

The Legacy of The Old Man

Richard “The Old Man” Harrison was not only a central figure on “Pawn Stars” but also a co-owner of the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, Nevada. His sharp wit, vast knowledge, and years of experience in the pawn business contributed significantly to the show’s success and the shop’s prosperity.

Early Life and Career Beginnings

Before becoming a television icon, the Old Man had a diverse life. He served in the U.S. Navy and later ventured into the business world with various endeavors, including the pawnshop he opened with his son, Rick Harrison. This business would eventually become the backdrop for “Pawn Stars.”

Breakthrough with “Pawn Stars”

“Pawn Stars” premiered in 2009 and quickly became a hit on the History Channel. The Old Man’s role on the show was not just as a knowledgeable pawnbroker but also as a father figure, providing guidance and sometimes stern advice to his son and the other stars of the show.

Impact of “Pawn Stars” on Net Worth

The success of “Pawn Stars” had a direct impact on the Old Man’s net worth. With the show’s international popularity, merchandise sales, and increased business at the pawnshop, his financial status grew significantly over the years.

Business Ventures and Investments

Beyond the television screen, the Old Man’s business acumen led to various investments and ventures. These moves diversified his income streams and contributed to his overall wealth.

Real Estate and Property Holdings

Real estate is often a key component of a celebrity’s net worth. The Old Man was no exception, as he invested in property, which likely appreciated over time, adding to his financial portfolio.

Merchandising and Brand Endorsements

The brand “Pawn Stars” extended into merchandise, from t-shirts to mugs, all contributing to the Old Man’s earnings. Additionally, brand endorsements and personal appearances also padded his income.

Book Deals and Publishing

The fame of “Pawn Stars” led to book deals for the stars, including the Old Man. These publishing deals provided another source of revenue and helped cement his status as a respected figure in the pawn industry.

Calculating The Old Man’s Net Worth in 2024

To estimate the Old Man’s net worth in 2024, one must consider the continued earnings from “Pawn Stars” reruns, ongoing business operations at the pawnshop, and any posthumous releases or tributes that may generate income.

Factors Affecting The Old Man’s Net Worth Posthumously

After his passing in 2018, the Old Man’s estate would have been managed according to his wishes. The value of his estate could fluctuate based on various factors, including the market performance of his investments and the success of the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop.

Continued Royalties and Licensing Deals

Even after his death, the Old Man’s estate continues to earn royalties from “Pawn Stars” episodes and any licensing deals associated with the show. These posthumous earnings contribute to his net worth.

The Role of Inheritance and Estate Planning

The Old Man’s net worth is also influenced by his estate planning and how his assets were distributed among his heirs. Proper planning could ensure that his wealth continues to support his family and any charitable causes he valued.

Charitable Contributions and Legacy

The Old Man was known for his philanthropy. His charitable contributions, both during his life and as part of his estate, reflect his commitment to giving back and may impact the overall value of his net worth.

Public Interest and the “Pawn Stars” Brand

Public interest in “Pawn Stars” and the Old Man’s persona keeps his memory alive and can influence the financial aspects of his legacy. The continued popularity of the show ensures that his estate remains relevant and potentially profitable.

FAQs About The Old Man’s Net Worth

  • How did the Old Man make his money? The Old Man made his money through the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, his role on “Pawn Stars,” and various investments and business ventures.
  • Did the Old Man have other sources of income besides “Pawn Stars”? Yes, he had income from the pawnshop, real estate investments, book deals, and merchandise sales.
  • Are the Old Man’s family members still involved in the pawn business? Yes, his son Rick Harrison and grandson Corey Harrison continue to run the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop.
  • How are the Old Man’s royalties from “Pawn Stars” handled after his death? Royalties are managed by his estate and continue to provide income for his heirs.
  • Did the Old Man leave any money to charity? While specific details are private, the Old Man was known for his philanthropy, and it is likely that he made provisions for charitable giving in his estate planning.


Richard “The Old Man” Harrison’s net worth in 2024 is a reflection of his successful career as a pawnbroker, a reality TV star, and a savvy businessman. Although he passed away in 2018, his legacy lives on through the continued success of “Pawn Stars,” the operations of the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, and the management of his estate. His wise investments, brand endorsements, and royalties have ensured that his family and charitable causes he cared about continue to benefit from his hard work and dedication. The Old Man’s life story is a testament to the value of experience, knowledge, and the importance of planning for the future.

