The mother of the 20-year-old man arrested for killing an 18-year-old woman in an Escambia County Home Depot on Friday is being charged with Principal to First Degree Murder.
The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest of Sheila Agee Monday night. She was arrested in Washington County, Alabama, and will be extradited to Escambia County. Her mugshot has not yet been made available.
Sheila Agee is the mother of Keith Agee, who is charged with First-Degree Premeditated Murder and Aggravated Battery. Deputies say he shot and killed 18-year-old Brooklyn Sims — the mother of his 2-year-old daughter and a contract employee working at Home Depot — inside the store on Davis Highway. Two other people were also injured in the shooting.
“Investigators discovered that the mother of the suspect, Keith Agee, knew and even helped him coordinate the murder,” the sheriff’s office says in a release. “According to text messages, it’s clear that Keith Agee’s mother, Sheila Agee, knew and participated in the plan to kill Brooklyn Sims. Additionally, text messages between mother and son highlight the mother’s involvement in helping locate the victim.”
According to the sheriff’s office, these are the text messages that took place between Keith and Sheila Agee just prior to the homicide:
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