Angie Tompkins Obituary, Death Cause – Angie Hardin Tompkins has passed away, and it is with a heavy heart that I must break the news to you, says Sheriff Whitaker. Angie was a beloved member of this community. My deepest sympathies go out to Angie’s family and friends in their time of loss. We are sorry to be the one to break the news to you, but she passed away earlier today. Please accept my condolences. We are sorry to be the one to tell you this, but she died away earlier today. We are sorry to be the one to break the news to you.
We humbly ask that you accept my condolences. Angie Tompkins was born to Sheriff Freddie Tompkins, who is now retired, and Ms. Peggy Tompkins. Angie is now married and lives in the area. Angie is now a happily married woman who resides in the neighborhood. Angie has now found true love and is a settled wife and mother who lives in the area. Angie is a daughter who is surrounded by the unflinching love and support of her family. If you look below, you will be able to find the statement that Ms. Peggy issued earlier today; for your convenience, we have published the statement in its entirety here on this page.
The fact that my emotions are all over the place at the time is making it very challenging for me to write this essay at the moment, which is proving to be an extremely challenging task for me at the moment. At 9:30 this morning, she was given permission to get her angel wings, and she is now soaring with the other magnificent beings in the sky. My sweet and beautiful Angie will always have a special place in my heart.