"Call Me Maybe" remains such a beloved song because Carly Rae Jepsen's lyrics perfectly capture the feeling of meeting someone for the first time and imagining the rest of your life with them. Jepsen begins the song with the lyric "I threw a wish in the well," and before you can ask what she wishes for, she sings, "Don't ask me, I'll never tell."
It's still pretty clear what she wishes for; she sings, "I looked to you as it fell/ And now you're in my way." Jepsen goes on to sing, "I'd trade my soul for a wish/ Pennies and dimes for a kiss," but then immediately changes her story and claims, "I wasn't looking for this/ But now you're in my way." To be honest Carly Rae Jepsen, it sounds like you kind of were looking for this! She captures the exact feeling of pining after someone for a long time, finally catching their attention, then playing it cool.
The second verse covers similar terrain, where Jepsen sings, "You took your time with the call/ I took no time with the fall," implying that despite her efforts to remain cool, she is totally head over heels. The pièce de résistance, however, comes in the refrain, where Jepsen sings "Before you came into my life/ I missed you so bad," inverting the "you don't know what you've got til it's gone" expression. The subject of the song was the piece Jepsen didn't even know she was missing.