Relics are one of the more unique items in Sea of Stars, as they can have the biggest impact on your experience in the game with how challenging or relaxed your playthrough will be. There are multiple different Relics to find, and they all offer wildly diverse effects you can mix and match to create a unique experience for yourself.
To help you find these items, we’ve put together this guide with all the details on Relics in Sea of Stars, including their locations, effects, and what they cost.
Related: Sea of Stars Complete Guide – Party Members, Collectibles, Wheels, & Side Quests
Table of ContentsWhat are Relics in Sea of Stars?

Relics are items players can purchase in Sea of Stars that affect certain aspects of the game, allowing players to tailor their experience to their liking. These items are found in stores and from merchants around the world, and all have various effects that can be toggled on and off at the player’s discretion.
These can include altering certain mechanics, like blocking, changing the value of gold or EXP earned, or creating a more challenging or relaxing gameplay experience. To use these, you will need to purchase them from merchants.
All Relics in Sea of Stars

Below we have listed all of the Relics we have currently found in Sea of Stars, including their abilities, costs, and where they can be purchased.

Recommended Relics to Use in Sea of Stars

While it is up to you which Relics you want to use, there are a few we recommend you get and use as soon as you can to help in your playthrough.
For one, getting both the Gold Tooth and Tome of Knowledge should be top priorities, as the extra gold and EXP will both be a major help in the game, since some of the best items and collectibles require some money, and leveling up will make you stronger, so combat will be an easier endeavor.
Additionally, Sailent Sails and Falcon-eyed Parrot are good choices, since with the former, you can get around the map faster while on the vespertine, and with the latter, finding chests of collectibles you might have missed is so much easier, and perfect if you want to get achievements and go for a 100% playthrough. However, you could also check out other guides too for some extra help.
Related: Sea of Stars Combat Basics – Combo Points, Live Mana, Lock Breaking & Timed Hits
Lastly, if you struggle with the timing for blocks and specific attacks, using the Sequent Flare can make it a lot easier to see and learn the correct timing thanks to its obvious feedback of a rainbow-colored firework. I used this for my whole playthrough, and it made learning character’s attack timings and seeing when I was getting them right much easier, and in turn, I got more effective a lot quicker.
About the author

Matthew Fuller
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