If Benjen knew who Jon’s parents were, then he knew exactly how important Jon really was. He knew that, if Jon took the black, he would never be able to become rule Westeros as history had intended. It tore Ned apart to keep the secret of Jon’s lineage to himself for his entire life.
Also, Why did Benjen Stark take the black?
Benjen took the black because he felt he deserved it for failing to stop Lyanna from following her heart instead of her head. Ned didn’t stop him because deep down, he was angry that his little brother didn’t speak up sooner.
Accordingly, Is Benjen stark Coldhands?
But Benjen isn’t Coldhands. Although the theory seems logically consistent, it’s basically the only Winds of Winter theory that has been definitively debunked. And that’s because George R. R. Martin himself said so in a private note to his own editor, where he would have no reason to be hand-wavey and mysterious.
in the same way Did Benjen Stark become a White Walker?
9 Why Didn’t He Become A White Walker? Benjen also explains that he would have been turned into a Walker, but the magic was stopped by the Children of the Forest and their own magic. They shoved a dragonglass dagger into his chest which stopped his transformation.
Did Ned Stark know who Jon’s father was?
As of the Season Finale a few hours ago, it was officially revealed that Jon Snow is Lyanna and Rhaegar’s child (and true heir) and that Lyanna told Ned his name and revealed his birthright on her deathbed when he was born. Bran even comes to the conclusion that Robert’s Rebellion was based on a lie and says as much.
Why was Uncle Benjen half dead?
When Bran Stark meets up with his uncle again beyond the Wall, Benjen explains what happened to him. He says he and the other members of the Night’s Watch were attacked by White Walkers, and he was stabbed by one of them and left for dead. Later, the Children of the Forest found him and saved him.
How did Benjen stark survive?
In yet another parallel to Jon, Benjen was also resurrected. He told Bran that after being killed by wights he was brought back by the Children of the Forest, who pierced his heart with dragonglass (similar to how they created the first White Walker ever). This somehow kept him from turning into a mindless zombie.
Why did Benjen Stark not go with Jon?
Many have asked why Benjen didn’t join Jon on his horse to escape the horde. Simply, the answer is that Benjen had no intent of making it out alive. He has lived beyond the wall for years, a vast hostile space devoid of living creatures.
Why didnt Benjen go with Jon?
Many have asked why Benjen didn’t join Jon on his horse to escape the horde. Simply, the answer is that Benjen had no intent of making it out alive. He has lived beyond the wall for years, a vast hostile space devoid of living creatures.
How did Uncle Benjen survive?
In yet another parallel to Jon, Benjen was also resurrected. He told Bran that after being killed by wights he was brought back by the Children of the Forest, who pierced his heart with dragonglass (similar to how they created the first White Walker ever). This somehow kept him from turning into a mindless zombie.
Why was Jon Snow sent to Night’s Watch?
Why does Jon join the Night’s Watch? He wants to be a Stark, so he does the only Stark thing he can do. He admires his uncle and wants to be like him. Benjen or Ned tells him that Starks have manned the wall for years, and he wants to be that Stark.
Why didnt Jon Snow become a White Walker?
So the simple answer is no. Jon has not gained anything from his experience, his inner fire was always there and we have seen that it doesn’t protect other people from the White Walkers. Jon’s inner flame is likely even weaker than it was before.
Why did Uncle Benjen sacrifice himself?
It’s a final sacrifice made to honor Ned, the Night’s Watch, and his family name. … Benjen dies for Jon because it’s what Ned would have done, what their father would have done, and what Jon would do for any of his family members.
Why did Catelyn hate Jon Snow so much?
Jon Snow was a boy hated by Catelyn since she first glimpsed him in Ned Stark’s arms. Ned’s lie that Jon was his own and that during his time at war he had broken his vows to Catelyn proved to be the cardinal sin that led to Catelyn despising the boy for the rest of her life.
Is Jon Snow a dragon?
As fans anticipated heading into the final installment, the “new” Mad Queen Daenerys’ (Emilia Clarke) fate was sealed as she took power. … First, Jon is half Targaryen, and as a member of the family whose sigil consists of dragon imagery, his connection to Drogon likely goes beyond our visual abilities.
Is Jon Snow really Robert Baratheon’s son?
Living for a year in the Tower of Joy, they conceived a child—Jon. Rhaegar was killed in battle by Robert, and Lyanna died in childbirth. … The season 7 finale episode “The Dragon and the Wolf” confirmed that Jon is indeed the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, and that his birth name is actually Aegon Targaryen.
Is Benjen stark a White Walker?
You guessed it, Benjen is a White Walker…
That’s why he was able to maintain loyalty to his family and help Bran and Meera.
Is Benjen stark dead in the books?
Watch for yourself. Benjen led a ranging party deep into the north (see the theory above), was killed by White Walkers, and was saved by the children of the forest using dragonglass — not from dying but becoming a wight.
Why did Benjen stark sacrifice himself?
It’s a final sacrifice made to honor Ned, the Night’s Watch, and his family name. … Benjen dies for Jon because it’s what Ned would have done, what their father would have done, and what Jon would do for any of his family members.
Is Coldhands Benjen Stark?
But Benjen isn’t Coldhands. Although the theory seems logically consistent, it’s basically the only Winds of Winter theory that has been definitively debunked. And that’s because George R. R. Martin himself said so in a private note to his own editor, where he would have no reason to be hand-wavey and mysterious.
Who brings Jon Snow back to life?
The North is stubborn about their Old Gods, but it wasn’t the Old Gods who brought Jon back—it was the Lord of Light.
Why did Benjen stark survive?
Benjen was killed by a white walker and was left to die deep in the north. The children found him and drove a shard of dragonglass into his heart, which stopped the walkers magic from turning benjen into a wight. That is how Benjen survived.
Why did drogon spare Jon Snow?
Numbered from least to most significant, here are three of them: 1) His mother was no longer able to say “Dracarys!” 2) as a dragon, he wanted the Targaryen bloodline to continue, and 3), he had knowingly allowed Jon and Dany to make their own choices for their own relationship—or in other words, he let Jon kill her.
Why did Alliser hate Jon Snow?
After the city fell to the rebellion, he joined the Night’s Watch, being given the choice of taking the black or being executed by Tywin; this is most likely the cause of Ser Alliser’s animosity towards Jon, as Jon’s father was a prominent leader in Robert’s Rebellion which forced Thorne into exile at the Wall.
Why did Jon Snow leave Castle Black at the end?
After the Great War ended, Tormund (Kristofer Hivju) informed Jon that he and the remaining wildlings would head back home through Castle Black so that they could roam the wilderness as free folk once more.
Last Updated: 9 days ago – Authors : 6 – Contributors : 30 – References : 22 interviews and posts; 10 Videos.
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