When Carrie Holmquist's son, Grant, was cast as baby Carlos in The Hangover, she and her husband didn't know what to expect. "All we knew was that Heather Graham played the mom, and all the guys were up-and-comers at the time," she told Too Fab in 2019. The first scene Grant filmed was the one in which Galifianakis, Helms, and Cooper sit by the hotel pool trying to figure out just what went down the previous evening. While it spawned one of the movie's most-quoted lines ("Not at the table, Carlos,") it's also one of the film's most controversial scenes because of one particularly risqué joke.
According to Carrie, she was completely unaware that her son would be simulating masturbation for laughs. "I was so concerned with the safety and temperament of my baby, that I didn't realize what the actors were doing and trusted their choices," she told the media outlet. "It was only after the footage was in the can that the child welfare worker asked me if I was okay with the content. I looked at my husband, and we agreed it would've been nice to be asked about it prior to the scene being shot, but what was done, was done."