Though carnivorous, whale sharks pose no threats to human beings. They're filter feeders — like some whales of the mammal variety — swimming along with their mouths open, scooping up plankton and very small fishy members of the neighborhood. They're often described as docile, and some will allow a human swimmer to hold on for a brief ride.
Whale sharks prefer tropical waters, but sadly, they're particularly desirable in parts of Asia and in Oman. They can grow up to about 40 feet long, which is about the size of a standard-issue school bus. Slow, docile, meaty ... kind of reminds you of the now-extinct dodo bird, doesn't it? So it makes some sense that they're wanted by fishermen. "Honey, I only caught one, but golly! What a fish!" Their meat is highly valued, especially their fins. And according to traditional Asian beliefs, other parts of the whale shark are said to have medicinal applications.
Conservation efforts are underway, however. There's even a program in Singapore that lets school children "adopt" a whale shark. It's not Free Willy, but it's a start.