Man Gets Bitten on the Bottom by Snake While Using Toilet and Using His Phone

An individual playing a game on their mobile device while using the restroom was bitten on the buttocks by a snake hiding in the toilet. Sabri Tazali, a Malaysian resident, managed to survive the surprise snake attack.

An individual playing a game on their mobile device while using the restroom was bitten on the buttocks by a snake hiding in the toilet.

Sabri Tazali, a Malaysian resident, managed to survive the surprise snake attack.

Following the incident, he expressed his relief that the python did not bite his private area.

Snake bites man's bum while he was sitting on the toilet and pressing his phone

The 28-year-old Tazali was using the restroom in his home in Selayang, Selangor, Malaysia when he felt a sharp pain in his buttocks.

Upon realizing he had been bitten by the snake, Tazali stood up and forcibly removed the reptile, throwing it against the bathroom wall.

In a panicked state, he ended up breaking the toilet door while attempting to open it.

Fortunately, the snake turned out to be non-venomous.

Snake bites man's bum while he was sitting on the toilet and pressing his phone

Tazali sought medical attention at a local hospital to have the wound examined and received an anti-tetanus vaccine.

Meanwhile, firefighters were called to the house to remove the snake.

Snake bites man's bum while he was sitting on the toilet and pressing his phone

Tazali shared with local media that he was still shaken by the incident, opting to use a different restroom at a nearby mosque for two weeks instead of his own.

Informing others of the event on social media, he wrote: “My bottom was bitten by a snake. The snake came out of the toilet.”

He added, “Luckily, it didn’t bite my eggs.”

Additionally, he mentioned being repulsed when he removed “half the snake’s tooth” from the bite area on his buttocks, suspecting that it broke off when he forcibly removed the snake and threw it against the wall.

Tazali has since replaced his dark-maroon toilet with a new white one for better visibility.

Snake bites man's bum while he was sitting on the toilet and pressing his phone

